History of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs in Türkiye

February 1994: President Robet Baty sent a proxy to Mr. J. Marrel, General Manager of SOFRA, to enable him to open a Bailliage in Istanbul, thus marking the beginning of the Turkish Chapter of la Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs and with the approval of the Headquarters in Paris, Mr. Marrel became the first Bailli Délégué and Mr. J. Caula, the Executive Chef of Penta Hotel became the first Chancelier de Turquie

24 June 1994: The Opening Chapitre and inauguration of the National Bailliage de Turquie, took place at Swissôtel The Bosphorus Istanbul, with the induction of 28 founding members, followed by a cocktail and gala dinner.

The Founding Members of the Baillage de Turquie

  1. Hamit BELLI                          Bailli d’Honneur
  2. Jerome MARREL                  Bailli Délégué
  3. Joachim CAULA                  Chancelier
  4. Rico DE SCHEPPER             Argentier
  5. Kurt STROHMAYER             Conseiller Culinaire
  6. Edouard SPECK                   Chargé de Missions
  7. Olcay SÖNMEZ                    Chargé de Presse
  8. Füsun SÖNMEZ                    Dame de la Chaîne
  9. Jacqueline VION                  Dame de la Chaîne
  10. Raymond BILGER                 Chevalier
  11. Murat DAYIOGLU                 Chevalier
  12. Mohamed HAMMAM           Chevalier
  13. Tom HERTEL                        Chevalier
  14. Pierre LE COQ                     Chevalier
  15. Hakan OZALPAY                 Chevalier
  16. George ROUNTREE            Chevalier
  17. Peter SULZENBACH           Chevalier
  18. Harry LENAS                        Ecuyer Tranchant
  19. Johann WEINZETTL             Ecuyer Tranchant
  20. Christian HASSING               Maître de Table Restaurateur
  21. Hartmut NOACK                   Maître de Table Restaurateur
  22. Robert UGGLA                     Maître de Table Restaurateur
  23. Nicola DI GIACOMO            Chef Rôtisseur
  24. Hervé MERENDET               Chef Rôtisseur
  25. Gaetano SGROI                   Chef Rôtisseur
  26. Gérard TAYE                        Chef Rôtisseur
  27. Çetin SEKERCIOGLU           Chef de Table
  28. Hubert BOURDON               Rôtisseur

29 November 1995: 2nd Grand Chapitre and gala dinner at Çırağan Palace Kempinski Hotel, Istanbul. Installation of Mr. Edward Speck as Bailli Délégué by Mr. Robert Baty.

10 October 1996: 3rd Grand Chapitre, induction and gala dinner at Swissôtel the Bosphorus, Istanbul. Installation of Mr. Atok İlhan as the Bailli Délégué by Mr. Robert Baty.

20 September 1997: 4th Grand Chapitre, induction and gala dinner at Ceylan Inter-Continental Hotel Istanbul with the presence of Mr. G. Zentilomo, Bailli Délégué d'Italie, as the official inducting officer.

19 September 1998: 5th Grand Chapitre, induction and gala dinner at Ceylan Inter-Continental Hotel Istanbul with the presence of Mr. Robert Baty as the official inducting officer.

16 October 1999: 6th Grand Chapitre, intronization and gala dinner at Divan Hotel with the presence of Mr. G. Zentilomo, Bailli Délégué d'Italie, as the official inducting officer.

15 September 2000: 7th Grand Chapitre, induction and gala dinner at Swissôtel the Bosphorus Istanbul, with the presence of Mr. Klaus Tritschler, Chancelier du Bailliage National d'Allemagne and Membre du Conseil Magistral as the official inducting officer.

14 September 2001: The finals of the International Jeune Commis Rotisseurs competition was organized in Istanbul.

15 September 2001: 8th Grand Chapitre, intronization and gala dinner at Çırağan Palace Kempinski Hotel Istanbul with the presence of Président Kurt Fischer, Grand Chancelier as the official inducting officer.

12 October 2002: 9th Grand Chapitre, inauguration of the Bailliage Regional d'Ankara and gala dinner at Hilton Hotel Ankara, with the presence of Mrs. Marie Jones, Membre des Conseils d'Administration et Magistral as the official inducting officer.

13 September 2003: 10th Grand Chapitre, induction and gala dinner at Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul, with the presence of Mrs. Marie Jones, Membre des Conseils d'Administration et Magistral as the official inducting officer.

09 October 2004: 11th Grand Chapitre (10th anniversary of the Bailliage National de Turquie), induction and gala dinner at Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul at Sultanahmet with the presence of Mr. Tassos Kioulpapas, Bailli Délégué de Grèce and Membre du Conseil Magistral as the official inducting officer.

21 May 2005: 12th Grand Chapitre, induction and gala dinner at Conrad Hotel Istanbul with the presence of Mr. Tassos Kioulpapas, Bailli Délégué de Grèce and Membre du Conseil Magistral as the official inducting officer.

03 June 2006: 13th Grand Chapitre, inauguration of the Bailliage Regional d'Antalya and gala dinner at Sheraton Hotel Voyager Antalya, with the presence of Mr. Jaakko Nuutila, Membre des Conseils d'Administration et Magistral, Conseiller Culinaire de Finlande as the official inducting officer.

10 June 2006: Installation of Mr. Mohamed Hammam as the Bailli Délégué de Turquie by President Yam Atallah, at the International Grand Chapitre and General Assembly in Cannes/France.

18 May 2007: 14th Grand Chapitre, intronization and gala dinner at Çırağan Palace Kempinski Hotel Istanbul, with the presence of Mr. Joe Karuso, Bailli Délégué des Etats Unis, Membre des Conseils d'Administration et Magistral as the official inducting officer.

21 June 2008: 15th Grand Chapitre, intronization and gala dinner at Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul at the Bosphorus, with the presence of Mr. Ari-Pekka Parviainen, Membre du Conseil Magistral and Conseiller Gastronomique de Finlande as the official inducting officer.

19 July 2008: The Openning Chapitre and inauguration of l'Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs (OMGD) for the first time under the Bailliage National de Turquie and a cocktail at the Mövenpick Hotel Istanbul, followed by an inauguration gala dinner at Şans Restaurant, with the presence of Mr. Peter Musa, International Vice President, Bailli Délégué de Suisse, Grand Commandeur and Grand Echanson as the official inducting officer.

05 June 2009: 16th Grand Chapitre of the Bailliage de Turquie, which also marks the 15th anniversary of our Bailliage celebrated at Swissôtel the Bosphorus where it all started on June 24, 1994. Induction and gala dinner with the presence Mr. Günter Albert, Membre des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral, Bailli Délégué Honoraire, Commandeur as the official inducting officer.

08 May 2010: Inauguration ceremony of the 4th Regional Bailliage, Bailliage d’Adana at Adana HiltonSA with some fifty one professional and non-professional founding members, being officially inducted by Mr. Günter Albert, Membre des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral, Bailli Délégué Honoraire, Commandeur as the official inducting officer.

05 June 2010: 17th Grand Chapitre, induction and gala dinner at Çirağan Palace Kempinski Hotel, with the presence of Mr. George Brown Jr., Membre du Conseils d’Administration et Magistral, Bailli Délégué of the United States, as the official inducting officer.

02 – 05 December 2010: Meeting of the Conseil d’Administration (International Executive Board) at Swissôtel The Bosphorus Istanbul.

08 – 11 September 2011: The 18th International Grand Chapitre of the Bailliage National de Turquie, including the 35th International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition took place in Istanbul. The 35th International Jeunes Chefs Rotisseurs Competition’s award ceremony, induction ceremony and gala dinner took place at the Four Seasons Hotel at the Bosphorus, with the presence of Mr. Günter Albert,  Membre des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral, Bailli Délégué Honoraire, Commandeur as the official inducting officer. The event was attended by 460 participants, of which 250 were foreign Chaîne members from 32 different countries worldwide.

26 May 2012: Inauguration of the Regional Bailliage d’Izmir, induction and gala dinner at Swissotel Grand Efes Izmir with the presence of Mr.Tassos Kioulpapas, Bailli Délégué de Gréce and Member of the Conseil Magistral, as the official inducting officer of this inauguration chapter.

16 June 2012: The 19th Grand Chapitre of the Turkish National Bailliage, which also marked the 10th anniversary of the foundation of Ankara Regional Bailliage, took place at J.W. Marriott Hotel in Ankara, with the presence of Mr. Klaus Tritschler, Membre des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral, and Bailli Délégué of Germany as the official inducting officer.

06 - 08 September 2013: The 20th Grand Chapitre of the Turkish National Bailliage and the 37th International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition took place at Hilton Hotel Istanbul, with the presence of Mr. David Tetrault, Member of the Conseils d’Administration et Magistral, Bailli Délégué du Canada as the official inducting officer. The event was attended by 440 participants, 200 of whom were foreign guests.

31 May 2014: The 21st Grand Chapitre, which also marked the 20th anniversary of the Bailliage National de Turquie, induction and gala dinner took place at Le Meridien Hotel Istanbul, with the presence and of Mrs. Marie Jones, Worldwide Vice President, Member des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral as the official inducting officer.

11 April 2015: The 22nd Grand Chapitre, induction and gala dinner took place at Çirağan Palace Kempinski Hotel in Istanbul, with the presence of Dr. Roberto Zanghi Member of the Conseil Magistral and Bailli Délégué d’Italie as the official inducting officer.

12 – 13 September 2015: 23rd Grand Chapitre, induction and Gala dinner at NG Sapanca Wellness & Convention, with the presence of Mr. Mohamed Hammam, Member des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral, Bailli Délégué de Turquie as the official inducting officer.

23 -25 September 2016: The 24th Grand Chapitre induction and gala dinner took place at Swissôtel The Bosphorus Istanbul, with the presence of Mr. Ari Arvonen, Member de Conseil Magistral and Bailli Délégué de Finlande as the official inducting officer.

09 September 2017: The 25th Grand Chapitre induction and gala dinner took place at Fairmont Quasar Istanbul Hotel, with the presence of Mrs. Marie Jones, Worldwide Vice President, Member des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral as the official inducting officer.

4-5 May 2018: inauguration of the Black Sea Provincial Bailliage in Samsun at the Sheraton Grand Samsun Hotel, which is the first Provincial Bailliage in Türkiye. Mr. Klaus Tritschler, Member of the Conseil d’Administration in his capacity as Maître de Cérémonie representing President Atallah inducted 44 new members and promoted 2 members, including the Bailli Provincial Mr. Ferruh Isman.

13 October 2018: The 26th Grand Chapitre and induction took place at the Swissotel the Bosphorus, where Mr. Tal Gal-Cohen, Member of the Conseil Magistral inducted 101 Chaîne members and 60 Ordre Mondial members.

13-15 December 2019: The 27th Grand Chapitre and induction took place at the Swissotel the Bosphorus, where Mr. Carl Wachtmeister, Member of the Conseil d’Administration inducted 141 Chaîne members, and the Bailli Délégué Mohamed Hammam inducted 95 new OMGD (Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs) members in his capacity as Chair of the International OMGD Committee.

1 January 2021:  Mr. Yves Léon succeeded Mr. Mohamed Hammam as Bailli Délégué who held this function for 15 years, and stepped down due to his repatriation to Denmark.

25-26 September 2021: The 28th Chapitre and induction took place at the Four Seasons at the Bosphorus hotel, where the inducting officer Mr. Mohamed Hammam, Membre des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral inducted 35 new members, promoted 56 members to a higher rank, and in his capacity as Grand Echanson international inducted 38 new OMGD (Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs) members.

6 December 2021: The formation of a Junior Bailliage was announced, Türkiye’s 7th Bailliage. All 55 members that were younger than 35 became automatically a member of the Junior Bailliage, that organized its first dinner at the Chalet Suisse Restaurant of the Swissotel The Bosphorus on 22 Januari 2022.

23-25 September 2022: The 29th Grand Chapitre and induction took place at the Swissotel the Bosphorus, where the inducting officer Mr. Mohamed Hammam, Membre des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral inducted 96 new members, promoted 54 members to a higher rank, and in his capacity as Grand Echanson international inducted 96 new OMGD (Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs) members.

29 April 2023: The 30th Chapitre and induction took place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Istanbul, where the inducting officer Mr. Yves Léon, Bailli Délégué de Turquie and Membre du Conseil Magistral inducted 44 new members, both in the Confrérie de la Chaine des Rôtisseurs as well as in the OMGD (Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs).

25 July 2023: The formation of the Regional Bailliage of Bursa with 50 members was announced, Türkiye’s 8th Bailliage.

20-24 September 2023: the 4th OMGD International Grand Chapitre was held in Izmir at the Swissotel Grand Efes. The induction ceremony took place at the Ephesus library, where the chairman of the OMGD (Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs) Mr. Mohamed Hammam, Membre des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral inducted 67 new members, promoted 30 members to a higher rank. 77 new members were inducted in the OMGD.

4-8 October 2023: The Bailliage was proud to host the 47th Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition finals in Istanbul, where 22 young chefs competed at Le Cordon Bleu. The competition was won by Joseph Baffoe from the United States of America. After the award ceremony the Chairman of the Committee Mr. David Tetrault, member of the Conseils d’Administration and Magistral, inducted 66 new members and promoted 26 members during the induction ceremony which was followed by a cocktail and gala dinner at the Raffles hotel Istanbul.

2 March 2024: The 32nd Chapitre and induction took place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Istanbul, where the inducting officer Mr. Yves Léon, Bailli Délégué de Turquie and Membre du Conseil Magistral inducted 28 new members, both in the Confrérie de la Chaine des Rôtisseurs as well as in the OMGD (Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs).

12-15 September 2024: The 33rd Grand Chapitre and induction ceremony were held at the Swissotel the Bosphorus in Istanbul. The inducting officer, Mr. Mohamed Hammam, Membre des Conseils d’Honneur et Magistral, inducted 67 new members and promoted 48 members to higher ranks. All new members were also inducted into the OMGD.

The gala dinner following the induction ceremony was a particularly special event, as it marked the 30th anniversary of the Turkish Bailliage.

22 February 2025: The 34th Chapitre and induction took place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Istanbul, where the inducting officer Mr. Yves Léon, Bailli Délégué de Turquie and Membre du Conseil Magistral  inducted 41 new members, both in the Confrérie de la Chaine des Rôtisseurs as well as in the OMGD (Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs), and promoted 4 members to higher ranks. This was followed by a cocktail and gala dinner