Message from the Bailli Délégué
Dear Friends de la Chaîne,
Welcome to the national website of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, Bailliage de Turquie, which was founded in Istanbul in 1994 with 28 founding members.
At the moment of writing, 30 years later, the Bailliage of Türkiye consists of 7 regional Bailliages, namely in Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Black Sea, Bursa, Istanbul and Izmir, and has well over 850 members, who enjoy the camaraderie in combination with excellent food and fine wines.
Türkiye has a fantastic diverse cuisine, and you will be able to find international haute cuisine, as well as well as a great variety of local dishes and kebabs.
Each region in Türkiye has its local specialties, and there are great variations in the preparation of the same dish in the different regions, and even among neighboring villages.
The Black Sea area for instance is well known for fish dishes, while the Adana and Gaziantep area are famous for their kebabs and mezzes.
Vegetarians will be delighted by the great number of vegetable dishes, and everybody will enjoy the many different dessert and sweets.
Yearly the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs organizes the Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs competition for chefs up to the age of 27, and as a reward the winner of the Turkish competition will participate in the international competition.
The rapid development of the Turkish wine sector is amazing.
20 years ago, there was a very limited choice in wines, but now you can choose between a great variety of excellent wines produced from national and international grapes from many different producers.
Our Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs OMGD is the specific section of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs which concentrates on wines, spirits, liqueurs and crafted beverages.
Every year the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs organizes the Jeunes Sommeliers competition, for competitors between the age of 21 and 27, and the winner of the Turkish competition will be sent to compete in the international competition.
On this website you will find the international webpages of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, as well as local pages with information regarding the Turkish Bailliage and the activities in Türkiye.
The website has been designed by our head office in Paris, but local content remains the responsibility of the national bailliage.
The website will be updated with new content on a regular basis, so please come and visit this website to see what the latest news of the Turkish Bailliage is.
If you are a Chaîne des Rôtisseurs member visiting from abroad, please check out our professional members section to be able to visit an establishment and be hosted by a fellow member or contact us for a list of recommended places to enjoy a dinner in Türkiye in one of the areas where we feature a Bailliage.
For those interested in joining the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs please click this link in order to receive more information.
Vive la Chaine!
Yves Léon